How To Delete Search History On Walmart App In 2023?

Welcome to a digital journey where your privacy takes the front seat!

We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of keeping your personal space on the Walmart App in this simple lesson. 

Curious about “How To Delete Search History On Walmart App?” You’re in the right place.

We get it – sometimes those search histories can surprise even us!

With our straightforward methods and a sprinkle of humor, you’ll master the art of clearing search history faster than a cart on wheels. 

Say goodbye to any virtual traces, and hello to a cleaner, more secure shopping experience.

So have a seat as we explore the Walmart App’s hidden features to give you back control and ensure that your online shopping adventures remain as thrilling as they are discreet.

Let’s get started! 

What Is Walmart App?

The Walmart app is your ultimate shopping companion, right in the palm of your hand. 

This free mobile app delivers Walmart’s convenience to your phone, making your shopping experience easier than ever.

With the app, you can easily browse a large choice of items, find great discounts, compare pricing, and even purchase groceries for simple pickup or doorstep delivery.

And that’s not all – the app comes with a bunch of handy features designed to make your shopping journey delightful:

1. Scan and Go:

Simply scan items in the store using your phone to instantly check prices and make payments, skipping the checkout line hassle.

2. Curbside Magic:

Shop online for groceries and collect them without stepping out of your car – a true time-saver!

3. Delivery Delights:

Enjoy the luxury of free grocery delivery to your doorstep for orders over $35.

Smart Savings: Unearth exclusive deals and snappy coupons right within the app.

4. Rewarding Wins:

Earn points with every dollar spent on the app, which can be traded for exciting discounts on future buys.

This app is more than just a tool for shopping; it’s a means to increase your savings and reduce your work.

Its ease of use, smart design, and plenty of features make shopping at Walmart a breeze.

And wait, there’s more you can do with the Walmart app:

  • Craft and Share Lists: Create your shopping lists and share them with friends or family.
  • Expense Insight: Monitor your spending and set up alerts to stay within your budget.
  • News and Offers: Get timely notifications about new arrivals and sales.
  • Navigate with Ease: Find store directions and operating hours without a hitch.
  • Customer Connect: Reach out to customer service effortlessly.

Downloadable for free on both Apple and Android devices, this app is a must-have for modern shoppers.

You can quickly snag it by searching for “Walmart” in your favorite app store.

Reasons For Deleting Search History On The Walmart App

Why might you want to clear your search history on the Walmart app? Let’s break it down:

1. Privacy At The Forefront:

Ever wondered if your search history is being watched?

Deleting it ensures that your browsing isn’t tracked or shared by Walmart or others.

2. Security Boost:

Wiping your search history adds an extra layer of security.

It makes it tougher for anyone to follow your digital trail and access personal details.

3. Streamlined Shopping:

Streamlining your searches for smoother shopping is another perk.

Deleting your history means the app won’t show products you’ve previously looked at. No more clutter!

Let’s zoom in on some situations where clearing your Walmart app search history makes sense:

  • Gifting in Secret: Planning a surprise gift? Clearing your history keeps your secret safe. No sneak peeks for the lucky recipient!
  • Discreet Purchases: Looking for something you’d rather keep private? By deleting your history, you ensure your shopping stays your business.
  • Privacy Priority: If privacy matters, regular history clearing is a smart move. It ensures your online movies stay off the radar.

Remember, the choice to delete your Walmart app search history rests with you. 

Whether it’s privacy, security, or a tidier shopping journey you seek, wiping your history is a handy choice.

How To Delete Search History On Walmart App?

Deleting your search history on the Walmart app is a simple process. There are three methods to do it:

Method 1: Using The “Clear All” Option On The App

Ready to clear your search history? Let’s do it using the super-simple ‘Clear All’ option on the Walmart app:

  • Open The Walmart App: Get things rolling by launching the Walmart app on your device.
  • Tap On The Search Bar: Spot the search bar at the top of your screen. Give it a gentle tap.
  • Scroll & Spot: Scroll down until you lay eyes on the “Clear Search History” option. It’s your ticket to cleaner browsing.
  • Clear It Up: Now, tap on the “Clear Search History” option. A little pop-up will appear, just to double-check.
  • Confirm The Cleanup: The pop-up will ask if you’re sure about this. You are, right? If so, tap ‘Yes’ to give it the green light.

Your search history will be deleted immediately.

A Few Extra Pointers:

  • Where to Find It: Remember, the ‘Clear All’ option is your buddy when you’re on the main search bar at the home screen. You won’t find it in other places like product categories or detail pages.
  • Device Dance: If you’re the tech-savvy type who uses the Walmart app on multiple devices, a heads-up: you’ll need to clear history on each one.
  • Cart Comfort: Don’t sweat it – your shopping cart stays untouched. Clearing history won’t swipe away your cart contents.
  • Scans Stay: Got scanning fever in-store? Clearing history won’t undo any items you’ve scanned using the app.

So, there you have it – a quick guide to sweeping away your search history.

This app’s “Clear All” option is your trusty accomplice for a tidier, more private shopping experience.

Method 2: Clearing All Data On Your Walmart App

Ready to give your Walmart app a fresh start? Here’s how to clear all data:

  • Open Device Settings: Begin by opening up your device’s settings. It’s your gateway to the app cleanse.
  • Locate “Apps” or “Applications”: In the settings menu, spot and tap on “Apps” or “Applications”. We’re diving right into the app management zone.
  • Find Walmart App: Scroll through the list to find the Walmart app. Once located, tap on it to unleash the options.
  • Go to “Storage”: Inside the Walmart app info, tap on “Storage”. This is where we’ll tidy things up.
  • Choose “Clear Data”: Ready to hit the reset button? Tap on ‘Clear Data’ to wave goodbye to all stored data.
  • Confirm and Clear: You’re almost there! Confirm your decision by tapping “Clear” – just a friendly heads-up that this action is irreversible.

By doing this, you’ll wipe out everything stored on your device related to this app.

Say goodbye to search history, shopping cart items, preferences, and settings.

Now, onto some things to keep in mind:

  • Sign-In Reminder: After the cleanup, you’ll need to sign in to the app again.
  • Cart Alert: Your shopping cart items will vanish, so take a mental inventory before you proceed.
  • Preference Reset: Any preferences you’ve set will need to be reset.
  • Updates Await: You might need to download any new updates since your last app use.

If you’re okay with these changes, then you’re all set to rejuvenate your Walmart experience.


  • This method only affects the data stored on your device, not what’s on Walmart’s servers.
  • If you’re a multi-device user, don’t forget to clear data on each device individually. 

Method 3: Uninstall And Reinstall The Walmart App

Ready to give your Walmart app a brand-new beginning? Here’s how to uninstall and then reinstall it:

  • Open Device Settings: First things first, open up your device’s settings. This is where the app magic begins.
  • Find “Apps” or “Applications”: Inside settings, locate and tap on “Apps” or “Applications”. We’re about to get into app management territory.
  • Spot Walmart App: Scroll through the list and locate the Walmart app. Once you find it, give it a tap to reveal its secrets.
  • Choose “Uninstall”: Inside the app’s details, you’ll find the “Uninstall” button. Tap on it to bid adieu to the app.
  • Confirm Uninstall: Just to be sure, tap “Uninstall” again to confirm your decision. It all comes down to offering second opportunities.

With the app uninstalled, you can easily grab it again from the App Store or Google Play Store if needed.

This technique destroys all app files, data, and the program itself, going beyond simply wiping the data. 

This translates to signing in again and setting up your preferences anew.

But here’s the exciting part: It’s the ultimate solution to zap away stubborn app issues, glitches, or errors.

Give this method a spin if the others haven’t done the trick, or if you’re eager to start afresh with the app.

Quick reminders:

  • Only Your Device: Uninstalling will wipe the app and its data from your device, not Walmart’s servers.
  • Device Dance: If you’re app-hopping on various devices, you’ll need to uninstall and reinstall each one.

Troubleshooting Tips For Deleting Search History On Walmart App

Encountering a little hiccup while trying to remove your search history on the Walmart app? No worries! Let’s troubleshoot and get you back on track:

1. Correct Account Check:

Confirm you’re in the correct account. If you have multiple accounts, be sure you’re in the one linked to the search history you want to delete.

2. The “Clear Search History” Check:

If the “Clear Search History” option seems elusive, it might be turned off. Open the app, tap the search bar, and find the option. If it’s grayed out, it’s off. Just tap the toggle switch next to it to turn it on.

3. Internet Connection Check:

A stable internet connection is key. If things aren’t working, ensure your internet is up and running. A shaky connection might be blocking the app’s efforts to sync with the server.

4. Device Swap:

Sometimes, changing devices can work magic. If one device isn’t cooperating, try another. This helps rule out device-specific issues.

5. Cache and Data Cleanup:

Clearing the app’s cache and data could do the trick. Head to your device settings, find the Walmart app, tap “Storage,” and clear the cache and data.

6. App Update Check:

An outdated app version can sometimes be the culprit. Check for updates by searching “Walmart” in your app store. If an update is available, tap “Update.”

7. Reboot for Relief:

Give your device a quick restart. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to fix minor glitches.

8. Contact Customer Service:

If none of these measures work, don’t be afraid to contact Walmart’s customer service. They are available to assist you.


  • Update Delays: If you’ve recently cleared history, it might take a bit for the app to catch up.
  • VPN and Proxy Heads-Up: If you’re using a VPN or proxy server, it could be causing the issue. Try disabling it temporarily.
  • A Small Footnote: Even after clearing your search history, Walmart might hold onto some data for app performance and targeted ads.

Hope these tips give you a smoother path to removing your Walmart app search history!

Final Verdict 

In a word, controlling your Walmart app experience has never been simpler.

With simple steps at your fingertips, you can bid farewell to search history, secure your privacy, and enjoy a streamlined shopping adventure.

Whether you opt for the ‘Clear All’ method, go for the thorough ‘Clear Data’ approach, or even decide on the ultimate app reset through uninstallation and reinstallation, the choice is yours.

So, clear the digital clutter, embark on a smoother shopping journey, and make the Walmart app truly yours.

Happy shopping and happy clearing!

Also Read: How To Delete Apps On Vizio Smart TV?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I clear my Walmart cache?

Ans: To clear your Walmart app’s cache, head to your device’s settings, find the Walmart app, and tap on “Storage.” Then, select “Clear Cache.”

Q2. Can someone see my search history if I delete it?

Ans: No, once you delete your search history, it’s gone from your device and won’t be visible to anyone.

Q3. How often should I clear my search history?

Ans: It depends on your comfort level. If privacy matters, consider clearing it periodically.

Q4. Can I undo the clearing of all data?

Ans: Unfortunately, no. Once data is cleared, it can’t be restored.

Q5. Does uninstalling and reinstalling affect my account?

Ans: No, your account is still secure. You will simply need to sign in again.

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Hey, I am Sibodh Sah an experienced app reviewer & founder of AppsCounselor. With a passion for exploring and testing different apps, I try to provide the most authentic and detailed app reviews for Android & iOS through this platform.

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