7 Best Apps To Learn Armenian Quickly In [2024]

Are you ready to start on a linguistic adventure to discover the beauty of the Armenian language? No need to search any further! We’re revealing the “7 Best Apps To Learn Armenian” in this blog article, which will have you speaking, reading, and writing Armenian in no time. 

Forget about tiresome textbooks and out-of-date methods; we’ve combed the internet for the most efficient and pleasant ways to learn this engaging language. Whether you’re a newbie trying to impress with your new language abilities or an experienced speaker looking to improve your skills, our chosen collection of applications has you covered.

Prepare for a language-learning trip that is both effective and enjoyable. Let’s enter the Armenian language world with these great applications!

Factors To Consider While Choosing The Best Apps To Learn Armenian

When you’re on the hunt for the perfect Armenian language-learning app, here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Find Your Learning Style and Goals: Before diving into Armenian, think about your preferred learning style and what you aim to achieve. Different applications allow various learning approaches. While some people treat learning as a game, others immerse themselves in culture and grammar. Visual learners may love flashcards, while auditory folks enjoy audio recordings. For a well-rounded Armenian experience, go for apps with diverse activities.
  • Explore Features and Content: Explore what each app has to offer. While some are more focused in their emphasis, others provide voice recognition, grammar drills, and cultural insights. Ensure the app you choose aligns with your priorities.
  • Check User Reviews and Ratings: User feedback is a goldmine. Read reviews to find out about the benefits and drawbacks of different Armenian learning applications. Request feedback on the simplicity of use, efficacy, and value for the money.
  • Mind Your Budget: Consider your budget. Armenian learning apps range from free to a few bucks per month. Free apps may offer limited content with ads, while paid ones often provide richer features and content.
  • Don’t Forget Customer Support: Problems can pop up, so check if the app offers customer support. Whether it’s through email, live chat, or a community forum, knowing help is available is reassuring.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Dialect: Armenian comes in two main dialects – Eastern and Western. Ensure the app teaches the one you’re interested in.
  • Difficulty Level: Some apps cater to beginners, while others challenge advanced learners. Pick the one that suits your Armenian level.
  • Device Compatibility: Verify that the app works on your device, whether it’s iOS or Android.

It will be easy for you to select the ideal Armenian learning software if you keep these things in mind.

List Of The 7 Best Apps To Learn Armenian Language 

There are various fantastic apps available to help you get started studying Armenian, which can be a highly rewarding experience. Among them here are 7 of the best apps to learn Armenian quickly:

S.N.ApplicationsReviews & RatingsDownload Links
1Memrise Easy Language Learning💠 App Store: 4.8/5
💠 Play Store: 4.5/5
Click Here!
2Mango Languages: Learning💠 App Store: 4.8/5
💠 Play Store: 4.8/5
Click Here!
3Tandem: Language exchange💠 App Store: 4.6/5
💠 Play Store: 4.3/5
Click Here!
4Ling – Language Lessons💠 App Store: 4.6/5
💠 Play Store: 4.4/5
Click Here!
5Clozemaster: language learning💠 App Store: 4.8/5
💠 Play Store: 4.6/5
Click Here!
650 languages💠 App Store: 4.8/5
💠 Play Store: 4.3/5
Click Here!
7AYOlingo – Learn Armenian💠 App Store: 3.7/5
💠 Play Store: 3.8/5
Click Here!

1. Memrise Easy Language Learning

Memrise is a popular language-learning app that offers a range of Armenian courses, both Eastern and Western Armenian. Memrise, noted for its user-generated content, makes learning more pleasant by utilizing spaced repetition and gamification.

Key Features:

  • Spaced Repetition: Memrise employs spaced repetition, reinforcing words and phrases at intervals to enhance memory retention.
  • Gamification: Learning becomes fun with points and leaderboard competition for users.
  • User-Created Courses: A wealth of diverse content is available, and users can create their own courses.
  • Audio and Video: Memrise includes audio and video content to aid pronunciation and listening comprehension.
  • Offline Learning: Courses can be downloaded for on-the-go learning.


  • Fun and engaging way to learn Armenian.
  • Effective spaced repetition system for memory retention.
  • Abundance of user-created Armenian courses.
  • Pronunciation and listening skills are improved with audio and video materials.
  • Offline learning is convenient for those on the move.


  • Some users may find Memrise a bit repetitive.
  • Emphasis on vocabulary may limit exposure to grammar.

2. Mango Languages: Learning

Mango Languages is a well-regarded language-learning app offering a comprehensive Armenian course. Its teaching methods include conversations, cultural insights, and interactive exercises, all of which contribute to a rapid and successful learning experience.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Learning: Bite-sized lessons adapt to your unique pace of learning.
  • Gamified Learning: Stay motivated and engaged with gamified elements.
  • Native Speaker Recordings: Perfect your pronunciation with recordings by native speakers.
  • Cultural Nuances: Cultural nuances augment the learning experience.
  • Offline Learning: Learn on the go with offline access.
  • Progress Tracking: Easily measure and celebrate your achievements.


  • Well-structured and user-friendly lessons.
  • Emphasis on practical communication skills.
  • Engaging activities keep learning fun and motivating.
  • Cultural perspectives boost learning.
  • Offline access for seamless learning, even on the move.
  • Affordable subscription plans for all.


  • A few users have encountered technical glitches.
  • Limited grammar explanations might leave some seeking more detail.

3. Tandem: Language exchange

Tandem is a social language learning app that connects you with native speakers of the language you’re learning. Finding language partners who are ready to help you on your language journey and who share your interests is the key. Tandem offers chat options in text, voice, and video, along with built-in translation features for seamless communication.

Key Features:

  • Interest-Based Partners: Connect with language partners who share your interests.
  • Versatile Communication: Chat through text, voice, or video calls.
  • Built-In Translation: Handy translation tools facilitate conversations.
  • Feedback and Learning: Receive feedback on your pronunciation and grammar.
  • Cultural insights: Acquire knowledge of various cultures and traditions.
  • Progress Tracking: Set goals and monitor your language-learning journey.
  • Language Clubs: Join clubs to meet fellow learners.


  • It is completely free to use, making language learning available to everyone.
  • A wide and engaged user base.
  • Emphasis on cultural exchange for a richer learning experience.
  • There are several languages to pick from.
  • Communication is made easier with built-in translation.
  • Look for companions that have similar interests.
  • Ideal for picking up slang and informal language.


  • Finding active language partners can be challenging at times.
  • Some users may be more interested in casual chat than focused language learning.

4. Ling – Language Lessons

Ling is a gamified language learning application designed to make learning Armenian more fun and interesting. It teaches users the fundamentals of Armenian vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation through a range of minigames, quizzes, and puzzles. Ling may work with learners of all ability levels, from non-speakers to proficient ones.

Key Features:

  • Time-Friendly Lessons: Bite-sized lessons easily fit into busy schedules.
  • Gamified Learning: Learning is made more interesting by games, challenges, and quizzes.
  • Interactive Exercises: Focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
  • AI Chatbot: Engage in realistic conversations powered by AI.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Learn essential Armenian vocabulary and grammar.
  • Personalized Learning: Adapt learning paths to individual progress.
  • Offline Learning: Access your lessons anywhere, anytime.


  • Learning feels engaging and motivating.
  • Gamification effectively reinforces language skills.
  • A Customizable pace suits diverse learning needs.
  • Personalized feedback from native speakers is available.
  • Thorough coverage of Armenian language essentials.
  • Convenient offline access for on-the-go learning.


  • Limited focus on cultural aspects of the Armenian language.
  • May lack advanced features for seasoned learners.

5. Clozemaster: language learning

The entertaining language-learning software Clozemaster helps users learn grammar and vocabulary by employing the cloze deletion approach. Clozemaster is a useful and enjoyable way to study languages, with a large text collection accessible in over 100 languages.

Key Features:

  • Cloze Deletion Exercises: Fill in the blanks within real texts to learn new words and grammar patterns.
  • Audio Recordings: Enhance your listening comprehension by listening to native speakers.
  • Customizable Difficulty Levels: Tailor your learning experience to match your current language proficiency.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress and witness your improvement over time.
  • Gamified Learning: Stay motivated by earning points and badges as you complete exercises.


  • Engages learners effectively with a unique method.
  • A vast library of texts is available in over 100 languages.
  • Customizable difficulty levels suit various language levels.
  • Gamification makes learning more entertaining.
  • The use of audio recordings improves listening comprehension.
  • Connect with other learners through the community forum.


  • Some users may feel repetitive at times.
  • Places less emphasis on speaking and writing skills.
  • Better suited for learning words than syntax.

6. 50 languages

50 Languages is a complex language study curriculum that teaches Armenian in its entirety. With a large collection of courses covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and conversation, it serves students at all skill levels.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Lesson Library: Offers a vast range of lessons for comprehensive language learning.
  • Engaging Learning Activities: Features flashcards, quizzes, dialogues, and games for motivation.
  • Interactive Audio Recordings: Native-speaker audio ensures precise pronunciation and comprehension.
  • Offline Access: Study on the go with offline availability of lessons and materials.
  • Personalized Learning: Adapts to learners’ progress for a tailored experience.


  • Well-structured and thorough lessons.
  • Students are kept interested in learning activities that are engaging.
  • Clear, native-speaker audio recordings.
  • Personalized learning experience.
  • Convenient offline access.
  • Affordable pricing.


  • Some users have reported occasional app bugs.
  • Limited cultural context.
  • Focus leans more towards reading and listening than speaking and writing.

7. AYOlingo – Learn Armenian

AYOlingo is an all-in-one language study software for beginners and intermediate users. Its gamified learning style makes it a fun and interesting learning environment for Armenians.

Key Features:

  • Gamified Learning: The app’s gamified approach makes learning enjoyable.
  • Comprehensive Armenian Course: Covers all aspects of the language.
  • Interactive Challenges: Engaging challenges help retain information.
  • Native Speaker Audio: Accurate pronunciation with audio recordings by native Armenian speakers.
  • Variety of Exercises: Numerous activities to test and improve your Armenian skills.
  • Progress Tracking: Track your development and earn rewards.
  • Offline Access: Access all course materials even without an internet connection.


  • An exciting and engaging way to learn Armenian.
  • Comprehensive Armenian language course.
  • High-quality audio recordings by native speakers.
  • A range of tasks to put your abilities to the test and improve them.
  • Tracking progress and rewarding incentives.
  • Offline access to all course materials.


  • Some users have reported occasional slowness in the app.
  • Lacks a live tutoring feature.
  • Doesn’t offer a comprehensive grammar course.

Final Verdict On The Best Armenian Language Learning Apps

In conclusion, these language learning apps provide a number of options to help you become an expert in Armenian. Whether you prefer gamified learning, comprehensive lessons, or interactive challenges, there’s an app to suit your needs. 

You can choose based on your learning style, and many of them provide personalized experiences to keep you motivated. While each has its pros and cons, the key is finding the one that clicks with you. So go ahead and start learning Armenian and have fun!

Also Read: 9 Best Apps To Learn Icelandic Language

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the best way to learn Armenian?

Ans: The best way to learn Armenian is to immerse yourself in it. Surround yourself with Armenian speakers, enjoy Armenian music and movies, read Armenian books, and consider online or in-person Armenian classes.

Q2: Which language is closest to Armenian?

Ans: Armenian is a unique language, but it shares some features with Indo-European languages like Greek and Persian.

Q3: Is learning Armenian hard?

Ans: Learning Armenian is challenging for native English speakers, but with dedication, anyone can master it.

Q4: Can I learn Armenian using Duolingo?

Ans: Unfortunately, Duolingo doesn’t offer Armenian courses, but you can explore alternatives like Memrise, Ling, and AYOLingo.

Q5: Does Babbel offer Armenian?

Ans: No, Babbel doesn’t currently have Armenian language courses available.

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Hey, I am Sibodh Sah an experienced app reviewer & founder of AppsCounselor. With a passion for exploring and testing different apps, I try to provide the most authentic and detailed app reviews for Android & iOS through this platform.

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